the power of



and unlock your power 

How deeply can meditative practices influence our physical and mental wellbeing? Far more than traditionally thought. We have studied extensively to unite science and spirituality. Using ancient techniques, backed by science, we unlock the tangible impact of spiritual practice on our body, mind, and soul. Deepen your understanding, harness the power within, and embark on a journey of transformation. Explore the boundless potential of Transformative Mantra Meditation in every facet of life.

discover our methods

The DaimokuPower Institute, through extensive research and development, found that we can harness the positive effects of meditative practices on our physical, mental & emotional health. Start with one of our Workshops or Books to unlock your personal power.

Our books look at the effects of Mantra Meditation on your energy field, your brainwaves, heart coherence, your immunity and how to achieve your desired goals in the areas of health, relationships, financial matters and to find your deep purpose in life.

In our workshops you will learn how to find your purpose and create a power vision for your life and to manifest it with the help of mantra meditation. This enables you to experience a quantum leap for your personal growth and empowerment. 

Brain Coherence

In a state of brain coherence, where your two hemispheres are in sync, you feel whole and complete. Then the magic happens!

You feel abandant, in love with life, in a positive mood, grateful, alive and full of energy.

Your mind becomes powerful like a laser, a bundle of coherent light. Now you can have a vision of your future where your past is left behind.

This state is necessary to be prosperous, healthy and plentiful.

Your INTENTION is amplified and your vision can MANIFEST!


Heart Coherence

Heart coherence creates emotional stability, increases your resilience and leads to a reduction in stress. It is an energized state which gives you a clear mind that helps you make the decisions in business and personal life. It increases your performance.

Most important, it gives you access to your Higher Self, a spiritual connection that facilitates your intuition and is necessary for the manifestation of your dream life.


Our mission is to bridge the gap between science and spirituality by exploring the effects of Japanese mantra meditation. The empowerment of each person to experience spiritual connection as the basis for creating real change in your health, your finances, your relationships and your emotional state, in order to manifest your dream life.

“Summoning up the courage to take action is always the same regardless of how seemingly big or small the challenge. What may look like a small act of courage is courage nonetheless. The important thing is to be willing to take a step forward.”

— Nichiren Daishonin (1222 – 1282)