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This is a short video featuring excerpts from a conference held by Dr. Susanne Matsudo-Kiliani and Dr. Yukio Matsudo in Italy in June 2023 on the topic of heart rate variability (HRV).
Questo è un breve video che presenta estratti della conferenza tenuta dalla Dott.ssa Susanne Matsudo-Kiliani e dal Dott. Yukio Matsudo in Italia nel giugno 2023 sul tema della variabilità della frequenza cardiaca (HRV).
From Matter To Energy
How to achieve this paradigm shift?
Our lives possess the power to overcome any difficulty because they are inseparable from the energy of the universe. we will explore:
How this paradigm shift is a major change from the material to the energetic.
We learn how to achieve this paradigm shift.
That we are all connected in one energy field.
How this energetic dimension is just as real as any material reality,
Understand that you are a cosmic human.
Unlock the secrets of this omnipresent energy field and understand how it can lead you toward a more empowered and fulfilling life.
Power Vision
How To Create a power vision for the life you love?
Create a power vision for the life you love and embody the change!
We will be developing a true awareness of :
who we are,
how far we want to go,
and in what direction in order to develop our power vision of the future.
We will be asking ourselves:
What is it that I really want?
What am I focusing on?
We will pinpoint specific goals in individual areas of our living situations, health, relationships and time and money freedom..
As we learn, we believe in our ability to create a life we would love and which is congruent to our purpose and values..
We will apply spiritual tools to turn our dreams into reality.
This new clarity about what we want lets us act more decisively, with more confidence and enthusiasm.
We will explore the most significant aspects of the mandala Gohonzon;
What they stand for and which symbolic figures they represent.
In this workshop you will learn about:
The activation of the enlightened state of life through Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo.
The representatives of the the Ten Worlds inscribed in the Gohonzon.
The transformation principles of Fudo and Aizen.
The protective forces inscribed in the Gohonzon.