Meditation For Pineal Gland
Pineal gland is considered a significant and spiritual energy center
The pineal gland, located in the brain, is a small endocrine organ that produces melatonin, a hormone that regulates circadian rhythms and influences sleep-wake cycles.
In Buddhism as well as in Ayurvedic, yogic, and other spiritual and meditative approaches around the world, the pineal gland is considered a significant energy center.
In fact, it is often associated with the "third eye”: the perception beyond ordinary vision. Activating or stimulating this gland through meditation for pineal gland can lead to experiences of higher awareness.
But what does meditation consist of for the pineal gland? What is the color associated with the pineal gland in the perspective of the chakras or energy centers? How and when does meditation take place? What can be its benefits? Is it true that it can affect physical height?
Let's go and answer these questions and dispel some false myths.
What is the color for the pineal gland meditation? With which chakra or energy center is it associated?
The pineal gland is associated with the Ajna Chakra: the sixth of the seven chakras or energy centers.
The Ajna Chakra is located in the forehead, just above the point between the eyebrows. It is often described as the junction point where the two main nadis (energy channels) called Ida and Pingala meet.
This chakra is associated with awareness, intuition and deep understanding. It is believed to govern higher mental functions, such as intellect, vision, intuition and spirituality.
If this energy center is blocked, then you may often fall into rigid patterns and limiting beliefs. It is then difficult for you to concentrate on one thing and your consciousness is very limited. This center can also be blocked by the strong feeling of being separated from everything and everybody. That's when you feel isolated and alone.
To activate your sixth energy center therefore leads to a feeling of connectedness.
The color for pineal gland meditation is indigo. This color is often used in various meditative and visual practices to help focus attention on this chakra or energy center..
Guided meditation for pineal gland
Meditation and concentration practices on the sixth energy center are designed to promote mental clarity, insight and inner enlightenment. We can also stimulate the pineal gland while doing mantra meditation chanting Daimoku.
We had already described this in our book Nichiren buddhism 3.0 - to focus on the sixth chakra and chant daimoku.
Activating or balancing the sixth energy center can lead to greater inner understanding, spiritual vision, discernment and even experiences of a mystical or transcendent nature
Below is a guided mantra meditation for pineal gland designed also for beginners.
Preparation: find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed for at least 15-20 minutes. Sit comfortably with your back straight, you can sit either in a chair or on the floor.
Conscious Breathing: close your eyes and begin to focus on your breath. Breathe deeply and slowly, inhaling and exhaling through your nose. With each exhalation, let go of tension and thoughts.
Relaxation: relax every part of your body, starting at your feet and working your way up to the top of your head. With each exhalation, feel as if you are releasing any physical tension.
Focus on the Pineal Gland: bring your attention to the area between the eyebrows, the third eye point whilst chanting Daimoku. Imagine the bright light of Daimoku gently illuminating this area. Feel free from all thoughts by focusing only on this light.
Visualization: with each Daimoku, release the feeling of being separated whilst chanting, knowing that we are all connected to each other. Imagine the light of Daimoku bringing clarity, insight and inner peace.
Concentration and release: while keeping your attention on the third eye, let any thoughts or emotions float away like clouds. If your mind begins to wander, gently bring it back to the center of the sixth energy center, your third eye.
Conclusion of Meditation: after 15-20 minutes, or as long as you feel comfortable, slowly begin to bring your awareness to the present. Gently move your fingers and toes, then stretch your body if necessary. Open your eyes slowly, bringing the feeling of calm and clarity with you into your day.
Is there pineal gland meditation for sleep? Pineal gland activation for height
There is no specific pineal gland meditation for sleep.
And, sorry to disappoint you, but meditation on the pineal gland is unable to affect height growth.
To sum up, pineal gland meditation can bring many mental, spiritual and consequently physical benefits. In fact, even according to science, practicing different forms of meditation such as pineal gland meditation has positive effects on the nervous system, thus on the whole body, decreases stress and can therefore help improve brain and cognitive function, with a positive knock-on effect on our emotions.
The practice of Daimoku altogether also serves to strip us of ephemeral illusions so that we can be aware, serene and present.
So by meditating on the pineal gland, at best, you can elevate yourself mentally and spiritually... but not increase your height!